

Friday, June 19, 2009

Want to open Word 2007 .docx files in Word 2003? Try this....

Office 2007 has a little different design than Office 2003 and some of us liked the old version and didn't upgrade. Because Word 2007 saves files with the default extension .docx which is not compatible with Word 2003, there were a lot of misunderstandings regarding extensions.

But Microsoft came with a solution for this problem called Microsoft Compatibility Pack.

To install it follow this steps:

1. Go here and download the pack.

2. After you saved it on your computer open it and after you read the license click Continue.

3. Once the process is done , you can enjoy opening .docx files on Word 2003.


Unknown said...

It happened with me too..when I went to print my project (which was in Word 2007) in cybercafe(which had Word 2003). In such cases one should change the extension from .docx to .rtf . This works.

SAYAN said...


Ya you can change the extension to .doc while saving it in Word '07 but if you have already saved it and can't change the extension then you can download the pack I mentioned and solve your problem.